Sunday 1 April 2018

Modify the hardware configuration of your virtual machine

Firstly Shutdown the system

Change hardware 
All the modifications described below must be performed from your private cloud using vSphere by right clicking on the virtual machine, then clicking "Edit Settings"
Memory (RAM)
Click on Memory Menu & Increase Memory Size according to your requirement 

The processor (CPU)

Click on CPUs Menu & Increase CPUs according to your requirement
Click on CPUs Menu & Increase CPUs according to your requirement

Click on CPUs Menu & Increase CPUs according to your requirement

Graphics card 

You can change the following settings of the video card:

  • automatic detection;
  • manual resolution selection;
  • the number of MBs reserved for video RAM. 


Hard drive

You can change the virtual disk space on your machine by changing the allocated space:

You can also select the type of drive (SATA or IDE) and the type of storage (persistent or non-persistent).

Persistent storage allows you to store data when rebooting a machine.
With non-persistent storage, the data is not maintained: if the machine is rebooted, all the data is erased.

With the "Add ..." button, you can add a second drive on the machine any time the VM is on or off. 

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Create a New Virtual Machine

1.In the left pane, Click on the Hyper-V manager that you wish to host the new virtual machine. 2. In the right-hand Action pane, Click Ne...